Is your dog struggling with obesity? You are not Overweight dog alone. It is the most common preventable disease in dogs.

It is present in 25-30% of the general canine population in the U.S.

If you are interested in learning more information  Call or Email us. 

This is a great option for someone who has been trying to help their pet lose weight and is still struggling, or for any truly obese pet. This allows us hands-on time with your pet multiple times a day and to completely customize a program depending on their response.

Canine Fit Camp begins with:

  1. An Initial Rehab Evaluation
  2. Nutritional Analysis and selection of appropriate diet to be fed during stay
  3. Recommendations for any supplements – herbal, joint, etc
  4. Daily weight checks
  5. Daily exercises
  6. Modalities such as laser, TENS, therapeutic ultrasound if needed
  7. Daily picture update
  8. Boarding in one of our luxury suites Monday through Friday afternoons (5 days, 4 nights)
  9. Your pet goes home with you for the weekend with pre-measured food and instructions

Nutritional Counseling

Diet is an often overlooked part of a pet’s overall health and wellbeing. It should come as no surprise that what your pet eats, as well as how much they eat, directly impacts their health. Achieving the right nutritional balance will allow your pet to better manage any existing medical conditions and significantly improve their quality of life.

Nutritional Counseling

You Do Not Need A Referral From A Veterinarian For K9 Fit Camp!


The average weight loss program will take 4 to 8 weeks depending on the starting physical condition of your pet.

If you are coming to us as a referral from your veterinarian, we will require an exam, baseline blood work, a urinalysis, and possible x-rays if indicated prior to starting the program. If you are referring yourself, we can include that as part of our initial exam.