Tick bites can be sore, but the biggest risk with these parasites is that they can also carry diseases and pass them on to your pet. If you find ticks on your pet, it is important to remove them properly, as it is easy to leave the tick's mouthparts in. There are many effective treatments available that you can give routinely to stop your pet having problems with ticks.

What are ticks?

Ticks are parasites that can attach to the skin of your pet and suck their blood. They are oval shaped and vary in size from a few millimetres long to about the size of a bean. The colour varies as well: some are very dark and others are more like the colour of skin, meaning that ticks are sometimes mistaken for skin tags or warts.

After a female tick lays eggs, these eggs develop into larvae, immature "nymphs" and then finally adult ticks. To move onto each life stage, the tick must feed on blood.

Animation on the tick's life cycle:

When might my dog pick up ticks?

Ticks are more common in spring and autumn, but they can be found all through the year. The highest risk areas for ticks are woodland areas and countryside with long grasses, especially when conditions are damp.

It is important to check your dog for ticks after taking them out for a walk, particularly if they have been out in environments where ticks are more common. Look especially carefully around your dog's head, ears, neck and paws.

What are the dangers of tick bites?

Tick bites can be sore for your pet, and sometimes the skin around the bite can become sore and inflamed. However, there are also more serious consequences of tick bites. Ticks can carry various diseases including Lyme disease, which is a serious condition that can lead to recurrent episodes of fever and lameness.

Because of the risks of tick bites, it is best to remove ticks if you find them on your pet. However, it is important to do this safely.

How do I remove a tick?

You will need to be careful when removing a tick. If you just pull the tick off, there is a high chance that you will leave the mouthparts behind and this can cause a skin reaction for your pet. It is best to use a special tick remover, which allows you to easily twist the tick off rather than pulling it. If in any doubt, ask your vet to show you how to remove a tick so that you will know for the next time.

Animation on the technique for removing ticks:

Once you have removed the tick, keep an eye on the area to make sure the bite settles down. If it begins to weep or stays red and inflamed after a couple of days, it is worth contacting your vet for advice.

How do I prevent my pet getting ticks?

There are several products available that prevent pets from having problems with ticks, including tablets, spot-on treatments and collars. Not all products are equally effective though, so if you are in any doubt, it is worth speaking to your vet for advice on which treatment to use.

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