Periodontal disease affects the area around the teeth and will eventually lead to tooth loss. Gum disease also called periodontal disease is a common cat health problem. In fact, 7 out of 10 cats over the age of three have a certain degree of periodontal disease. Gum disease can't be reversed, but with the right care you can slow it down or stop it. Prevent this by brushing your cat's teeth, using the step-by-step guide included here.

Why should you care?

Animation showing the evolution of periodontal disease in the cat:

Because, if left untreated, dental disease can spread and cause infection in your pet's mouth, blood and even vital organs.

Animation showing the spreading of bacteria to the heart causing endocarditis:

How do cats develop dental problems?

Trouble begins when plaque forms from food particles on your cat's un-brushed teeth. The plaque eventually hardens into tartar; both irritate your pet's gums. Signs that your cat may have dental problems include:

  • Bad breath
  • Discolored teeth
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Difficulty chewing or eating
  • Weight loss
  • Drooling
  • Tearing or swelling below one eye
  • Nasal discharge
  • Blood in saliva

How do I train my cat to brush his or her teeth?

The same way you keep your own teeth and gums healthy: regular brushing. Ideally you'd brush your cat's teeth every day. If you can't manage that, three times a week is good.

Most pets accept brushing if approached in a gentle manner. Start when they are young, if you can. It's quite easy, but even older pets will accept the process. Start slowly, using a soft cloth to wipe the teeth, front and back, in the same way you will eventually use the toothbrush. Do this twice daily and after about two weeks your cat will have become familiar with it all. Then take the toothbrush, soak it in warm water and start brushing twice daily for several days, only adding the toothpaste once your pet accepts this brushing. Should your cat refuse and resist the use of a toothbrush, the wipes or cotton buds (Q Tips) are good alternatives.

Step by step technique:

  1. Use a cat toothbrush, a soft child's toothbrush, a finger toothbrush, or gauze or cotton around your finger. Dedicated swipes are also available.
  2. Use toothpaste made for pets. People toothpaste can harm your pet.
  3. Start with just a bit of toothpaste on your finger and rub it on the inside of your cat's cheek. Praise your cat as he or she licks the paste. Then try the same thing with a toothbrush. If there is too much resistance, keep using the wipes or cotton buds.
  4. Start brushing for a few seconds and build up to a full minute.
  5. Pay special attention to the inside tooth surfaces, the upper back molars, and the canines.

Video on brushing cat's teeth:

Video on brushing cat's teeth using cotton buds (Q-Tips):

Video on brushing cat's teeth using wipes:

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