The patella (kneecap) is a small rounded bone located at the front of the knee which articulates by sliding in a groove in the middle of the lower portion of the femur called the trochlea.

Animation of the stifle joint anatomy

We talk about dislocation of the kneecap (patella luxation) when a malformation or a trauma triggers the patella to exit from its normal location in the trochlea. Patella luxation is called a medial luxation if the patella slips towards the inside of the stifle (most commonly seen in cats) and is called lateral patella luxation if the patella slips towards the outside.

Patella luxation (stage simple)


Patella luxation (stage advanced)

What are the clinical signs?

Most often, cats show an intermittent lameness or an abnormal walk when both members are affected.

How will my vet detect patella luxation?

Simply during a clinical examination, a simple manipulation enables to move the patella and repair the luxation.

Are there any predisposed breeds?

Yes, the Devon Rex.

What is the treatment?

The treatment is surgical and prognosis is good.

Patella luxation surgical repair by increasing the trochlear groove

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