Preventative Care and Vaccinations

PreventativeA complete physical examination is the first step to providing proper care for your companion. This allows the doctor to learn the individual characteristics of your dog, cat, or pocket pet and begin building his/her medical history. As your pet ages, preventative care expands to incorporate essential monitoring of organ function, heart function, blood pressure, and much more.

Throughout the life of your companion, County Line Veterinary Clinic will recommend essential individualized veterinary care based on breed, genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors.

These recommendations include things such as:
• Proper vaccination needs based on lifestyle and exposure
• Protection against parasites such as mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks
• Home dental care
• Diet
• Senior health management when the time comes
• Proper disease management

Proper preventative care will minimize the risk of illness and improve the quality of life for your companion.

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